Activities of the CCIS

General Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services

In the morning of December 16, 2020, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, chaired by Mr. Sidi Khalil Ould Errachid, was held in the presence of the members of the Chamber and the representative of the local authority, whose agenda was defined by the discussion of five fundamental points, which are as follows :

  1.  Approval of the minutes of the previous session.
  2. Approval of the amending budget 2020 of the Chamber.
  3. Transfer of the administrative residence located at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Mahaj Mohammed VI to the Collective Council of Laayoune.
  4. Approval of the proposed projects within the framework of the Chamber’s development program.
  5. The representative of the Ministry presented the bank project proposed by the Ministry in the field of industrial investments.

The speakers widely discussed and unanimously approved all the points listed to conclude by raising a letter of loyalty to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God glorify him.

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