Economy of Laayoune Sakia El Hamra

Inauguration of Dar Al Moukawil Center in Laayoune on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the Green March

On the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the celebration of the Green March, and as part of the dynamics of the region Laâyoune-Sakia-Hamra. Friday, November 5, 2021, a new center for the house of the entrepreneur “Dar Al Moukawl” was inaugurated by the wali of the region, Mohamed El Kettani, Director of the group Attijariwafa bank, and Sidi Khalil Ouled Errachid, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra.

The inauguration ceremony took place in the presence of elected officials and economic actors in the region, with the aim of supporting VSEs and project holders. Also, this center was among the axes on which the President focused under the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Laayoune Sakia El Hamra and Attijariwafa bank.

سيدي الخليل ولد الرشيد رئيس غرفة التجارة والصناعة والخدمات العيون الساقية الحمراء

The Dar Al Moukawl Center in Laayoune is a social support tool that offers a complete and free support to project holders, self-entrepreneurs and VSEs, whether they are commercial customers or not.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra, was keen to make Dar Al Moukawl an integrated center that offers personalized counseling sessions. The center will also organize meetings with experts and a rich program of training to accompany and support the holders of project ideas, very small businesses and traders to achieve their desired goal.

Read also: Partnership agreement between the Chamber and Attijariwafa bank

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