Events in Laayoune Sakia El Hamra

The Royal visit to the southern provinces

Liquid sanitation and drinking water in Dakhla, a step towards the improvement of the living conditions of the population and the protection of the local ecosystem

Projects supply drinking water to the city of Dakhla and liquid sanitation constitute an important step towards the improvement of the living conditions of the population and the protection of the local ecosystem.

The inauguration by HM King Mohammed VI of these projects demonstrates the high sensitivity which the sovereign has never ceased to surround the provinces South, in particular through projects urban qualification, liquid sanitation and realization of waste water treatment plants, particularly in urban centres.

The building project to supply drinking water to the city of Dakhla has thus respond to the growing demand for water drinking boosted by rapid urbanization.

It focuses on the realization and of six drilling for water removal, 15 km of pipe laying equipment, the construction of a station of treatment and demineralization with a capacity of 17,000 m3/day, as well as the establishment of distribution (three tanks and two pumping stations) works.

Benefiting more than 106,000 inhabitants and has a global budget of 250 million dirhams (MDH), this project, funded by the national agency of electricity and drinking water (ZEINA), also provides complementary works of demineralization at the level of the existing treatment plant, with a throughput of 9,500 m3/day.

For its part, Dakhla liquid sanitation project is likely to contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem of the city and will not fail to have a positive impact on health, the environment and the economy.

This project, which is in addition to those already made in the context of liquid sanitation national programme, will certainly contribute to the improvement of the quality of the waters of the rivers and swimming.

He accompanied the other development projects and development sites that knows the city and which will contribute to the initiation of a significant dynamic socio-economic level of the region of Dakhla – Oued Eddahab, and this in accordance with the new model of development of the southern provinces.

The launching of these projects is part of the implementation of the vision of sustainable urban development in the various regions of the Kingdom, which has for objective the protection of the ecological environment.

A total amount estimated at 2.2 billion dirhams allocated to drinking water and liquid sanitation projects in the southern provinces during the 2016-2020 period.

According to data of the Regional Directorate for southern ONEE (white water), these projects are planned for the investment of the agency plan in these provinces.

Thus, in the region Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra, a budget 868 MDH has been reserved for the generalization of the drinking water supply for the benefit of communities that are currently being supplied water brackish or served by tank trucks (93 MDH) and the restoration of recovery equipment of energy at the level of the former station of desalination in Laayoune (15 MDH).

These projects, which will help to support the increasing demand for drinking water, are also on the strengthening of the distribution infrastructure in Tarfaya, Smara and Boujdour (59 MDH) and devices production and distribution of drinking water to the village of fishermen “Agti El Ghazi” in the province of Boujdour, as well as equipment for the production of drinking water in the cities of Laayoune Tarfaya and Boujdour (575 MDH).

In the region of Dakhla Oued Eddahab, programmed investments concern the strengthening of infrastructure for drinking water (315 MDH), generalization of drinking water for the benefit of populations supplied brackish water or served by tank trucks (63 MDH), the strengthening of the distribution network to Dakhla (60 MDH) and production devices (200 MDH).

In the same region, the Agency has established a sanitation program liquid spreading over the same period for a total investment of 292 MDH. Basically, it involves setting up a station of treatment of wastewater in Dakhla (250 MDH), a network of liquid sanitation, a pumping station and station swipes at the Bir Guendouz (42 MDH) circle wastewater treatment.

The prosperity of the provinces South of the vision of his Majesty the King and the secular and historical legitimacy (FPRI)

Inclusive development and all-round faced the southern provinces are the result of the insightful vision of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, who has launched a series of economic, social and legal reforms that made possible this dynamic of progress and prosperity, close to the aspirations and needs of citizens, wrote Monday in the prestigious American think tank Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI).

“The prosperity of the provinces of the South of the Kingdom, strong secular and historical legitimacy, was made possible through the pioneering vision of the sovereign (), which has made this part of the attractive Morocco to foreign investors, including in the areas of hospitality, port infrastructure and equipment”, says the author of this analysis, Ahmed Charai, Publisher and member of the Board of Directors of several think tanks US.

It is in the context of this development strategy, which places the citizen at the centre of its concerns, which his Majesty the King has put in place the framework for investment of no less than $ 10 billion for the construction of schools, hospitals, power plants and hydraulic, among others, noted this research institute specializing in international geopolitics and security issues.

The FPRI recalls, in this context, launched by his Majesty the King, last Friday, the project of realization of the integrated industrial complex for the production of fertilizers in the town Al-Marsa (province of Laayoune).

This project is part of the implementation of the new model of development of the southern provinces and aspires to create wealth locally by a valuation on place of phosphate and to strengthen the competitive advantage of the Morocco.

He must participate in the improvement of the competitiveness of the region, including the development of an industrial fabric of SMEs and SMIs, and new occupations related to processing of phosphate fertilizer (engineering, construction, maintenance and management of projects…).

In the same spirit, continues the FPRI, a global socio-economic development plan was also launched in the city of Dakhla for a budget of several hundred million dollars, noting that this “new philosophy of development”, implemented by the sovereign, is intended to modernize the city and create new opportunities for people.

Similarly, investments relating to the consolidation of port infrastructure in Dakhla are nature “to make southern Morocco, a hub of the ports on the Atlantic seaboard of Africa, putting the region on the world map of the unavoidable crossing points to the Mainland”, wrote the FPRI.

“A formidable expertise is thus used to achieve this development with ambition to also connect this port infrastructure with Europe, particularly through the Canary Islands (Las Palmas) and later still with the North American”, it says.

This multitude of projects aim to “improve the conditions of life of the Sahrawi people”, notes the analysis, noting that “people languishing in the camps of Tindouf in inhuman conditions caress the hope of one day returning to the motherland and benefit from the fruits of this dynamic of development in the southern provinces”.

It is for this reason, continues the FPRI, thousands of residents of the camps at Tindouf, South-West of the Algeria, reach out, each year, at the risk of their lives in the camps and join the Morocco where ‘they lead a life in dignity and freedom’.

On the other hand, the author of this contribution points out that this momentum of growth under the leadership of the Royal vision builds ‘in persuasiveness major + soft power + against terrorist posture between the polisario separatists’.

“The polisario, which maintains the chimera of establishing a Republic in the image of the model of the Algerian military junta, is rife in the Tindouf camps in dictatorship that international aid is diverted for his own benefit,” deplores the FPRI, adding that characterized poverty of the Tindouf camps pushed the youth into the arms of the recruiters of terrorist groups that spread fire and blood in the sahelo-Saharan region such as AQIM and Daesh.

The Moroccan response to this phenomenon, welcomes the US think-tank, has been “substantially raise the standard of living in the southern provinces, as evidenced inter alia GDP per capita which is higher than the average of 50 PCs national”.

HM King in the southern provinces: influencers of opinion US salute advanced on regionalization, called Algiers and the polisario to clearly

The visit of his Majesty King Mohammed VI in the southern provinces, which takes place in an atmosphere of popular jubilation and communion of rare intensity, is perceived by the experts and prescribers of us as being on irreversible advanced regionalization development illustration, initiated under the impulse of vision Royal, as a model of development of this part of the Kingdom and efficient vector for the promotion of participatory democracy.

In Washington, there is, indeed, that this new model of territorial governance, born of broad citizen consultation between the different forces vives of the nation, place the Morocco into the fold of the democracies concerned about the well-being of citizens and their legitimate aspirations, and is also the implementation on the ground of the institutional instruments for the promotion of participatory and inclusive local democracy.

The regional elections, which were held in Morocco in September, gave birth to councils elected by direct universal suffrage. The chairpersons of these bodies now have executive powers in as varied as different areas, related to the development of their regions.

In the speech by his Majesty the King to the Nation on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the glorious market green, the sovereign had said: “We reaffirm our commitment to implement the regionalization advanced, starting, in the first place, by our southern provinces, with regard to the possibility it offers to the people to participate in the management of their local affairs and to contribute to the integrated and sustainable human development. In addition, it creates a mobilizer climate brought by a promising social dynamic promoting the emergence of new elites, particularly among women and young people, as part of a democratic alternation open to power”.

This virtuous dynamic, initiated under the leadership of the sovereign, saw the implementation of huge investment in this part of the Kingdom since their recovery through essential efforts, in this sense, enlargement and consolidation of infrastructure, implementation and promotion of social services and poverty alleviation.

At a round table sheltered early in the week by the prestigious American think tank, Brookings Institute, the President of Council economic, social and environmental (EESC), Nizar Baraka, wished to clarify that “the success of this virtuous dynamic was as today ‘ hui several indicators of socio-economic in the southern provinces are superior to the rest of the Kingdom, as evidenced by including GDP per capita exceeds 50 PC to average national”.

As much the past 40 years have focused on investment in the construction and consolidation of basic infrastructure, expanding access to services social and the fight against poverty, “as the next years will give body to the ambitions of the people, conveying the spirit of the advanced regionalization, the autonomy and the creation of jobs and wealth” He stressed.

It is in this spirit that his Majesty the King, from Laayoune last November, had launched several projects through the signing of agreements between the Presidents of the regional councils and the Government. Not less than ten billion dollars were incurred to consolidate drivers of growth that are the areas of fisheries, agriculture, phosphates, and tourism, in addition to the support of private investment, the promotion of employment, entrepreneurship and improving the training of.

Friday, his Majesty King Mohammed VI proceeded to the commune of Foum El Oued, in the launch of the work of the technopole Foum El Oued-Laayoune, a city of knowledge and innovation at the service of the development of the southern provinces. The ruler conducted the same day, Hannah site, urban commune Al-Marsa, at the launch of the integrated industrial complex fertilizer production project.

In this development strategy all azimuths of the southern provinces, electrical connectivity will be also consolidated, the aim being to arrive at the ability to transport and export electricity produced from solar energy to other countries. The ultimate goal is to create a regional hub serving the consolidation of relations of cooperation between the Kingdom and sub-Saharan countries, while being a source of prosperity and stability.

Faced with this reality leaned to the historical rights presumptions of the Kingdom on his Sahara, note the Huffington Post last Thursday, the Algeria and the polisario must go obviously and embrace the virtues of the autonomy plan for Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty, only option capable of ensuring prosperity, stability and security in the region to which calls the international community to all its wishes and which now dictate the priorities of the latter in this part of the world.

Today, says the Huffington in this contribution entitled: “A rare chance for peace in a context of war and migration”, also although the Algeria as the Morocco “are faced with extremist intentions, especially as members of polisario have become a force of extra to terrorist groups and transnational drug traffickers”.

The situation became “untenable” in the camps of Tindouf, where the younger generation begins to grasp the unfortunate reality where she lives with a critical eye and a rebellious attitude, says the US daily, who observes that this youth, without prospects for the future, is more tolerant the impoverishment of the Tindouf camps, and their exploitation by the leaders of the Frente polisario.

US experts in international relations so call the Algeria and the polisario to submit “to the verdict of history and the reality on the ground” to find a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara, who warn they, gives openings for “destabilizing for the entire region” intensified activities of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Daesh.

It is in this context that the enactment by the United States President, Barack Obama, of the Finance Act in respect of the year 2016, consolidates once again the support of Washington in the Sahara autonomy plan, insofar as this piece of legislation stipulates unequivocally that intended to the Morocco us assistance is allocated to the whole of the national territory including the southern provinces.

Indeed, in his legislative report backed the 2016 Finance Act, Congress, with its two bedrooms, reiterated its strong bipartisan support for American policy in force, for a long time, on a negotiated solution to the question of Western Sahara, on the basis of the plan of autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty. The legislative branch goes far beyond and appealed to the U.S. private sector to invest in the southern provinces. With Act!.

Wind farm projects in Laayoune – Sakia El Hamra: Consolidation of clean energy and major development projects

Due to its enormous wind energy potential, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region is intended to constitute one of the pillars of the energy strategy to which the Kingdom acceded with colossal investments in this area, which should give a new dynamic to the developments all-out of the southern provinces to economic, social and environmental levels.

Thus, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region saw the launch of numerous projects and ambitious development projects, headed the Tarfaya wind energy project, which aims to contribute to the strengthening of projects of clean energy and the building of development at the level of the region.

The implementation of these projects is part of the development of the national energy efficiency strategy which tends to supply energy, with the adoption of an approach based on sustainable development and the increase in the use of renewable energy.

According to data from the company in charge of the project, Nareva Holding, the province of Tarfaya will host the largest park of wind energy in Africa the achievement which has required an investment of 5 billion dirhams (MMDH), for a production of 300 MW through 131 turbines.

The commissioning of the wind of Tarfaya began in March 2014 after connection to the national electricity grid, adds the same source, while the commissioning of the entire Park is planned for the end of the current year.

According to the same data, the energy produced by this station shall be reserved exclusively to the national Office of drinking water and electricity (ONEE) on the basis of a contract of purchase that spans 20 years.

This project represents an important added value for Tarfaya, because it contributes 15 pc in the wind national goal of Morocco (2000 MW by 2020), added the same source.

It will also reduce the CO2 emissions from 900,000 tonnes/year and savings of 200 million dollars per year from imported oil in foreign currency.

Produced in partnership with the french energy industry group “GDF Suez”, this project will also enable the creation of 700 direct jobs during construction and more than 50 direct jobs during the operating phase.

It has another advantage, namely load Moroccan companies of the realization of studies and electrical work and civil engineering, which is a level of industrial integration over 35 pc.

At the level of the municipality of Akhfennir (100 km north of Tarfaya), a wind farm was conducted over an area of 2,000 hectares with a production capacity reaching 100 MW. Operational from 2013, this park contains 61 turbines which each produces a low-voltage electricity (690 volts).

On the other hand, in Foum El Oued (province of Laayoune), a park with a capacity of 50.6 MW is put into service from 2013. There are 22 turbines with a height of 80 m.

The Morocco aims to reach 950 MW wind power production at the level of the Laayoune region-Sakia El Hamra, nearly 50 pc of domestic production.

Thus, it has been made the realization of four wind farms with a capacity of 455,25 MW to Tah (300 MW), Akhfennir (100 MW), Laayoune (50 MW) and (5.25 MW), while three other parks are under construction with a capacity of 350 MW in Laayoune (50 MW), Boujdour (200 MW) and Akhfennir (100 MW).

The advanced regionalization, a voluntarist and irreversible choice

Advanced regionalization to which the Morocco acceded is a voluntarist, sovereign, irreversible, enabling the local population to manage its affairs in accordance with the needs and expectations of each region, said Sabri El Hou, expert in international law, migration and the question of Western Sahara.

In a statement to the MAP, Mr. Lhou stressed that this choice is in harmony with the Moroccan proposal to grant broad autonomy to the southern provinces under Moroccan sovereignty, as serious and credible solution to the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.

The maneuvers of the opponents of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom to thwart peaceful approaches and development initiated by the Morocco are doomed to failure and will not resist since Moroccan initiatives are welcomed by the international community.

Morocco, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, expressed its total rejection of any initiative in addition to the plan for autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty, he said.

The visit takes the ruler in the southern provinces is likely to stimulate a new dynamic to the development projects in these regions, said Mr. El Hou.

Recalling the new development model of the provinces of the South, launched by the sovereign during his recent visit in Laayoune, the researcher pointed out that this model has been developed by integrating all local actors.

The Kingdom thus presents a model to follow at the regional and international level in local governance, which helped the Morocco reinforce its leadership, as the first country in the region having extended the prerogatives of local people in the management of its affairs, he noted.

Morocco, through the new organisation territorial, became the first country in the region who have opted for the transition to an advanced regional system, whereby the population assumes the responsibilities inherent in the management of the public good local and regional, said the expert, adding it as a grandiose project that sits the bases of the Moroccan model strongly welcomed at the international level.

Morocco work for the success of the advanced regionalization, whose effective implementation process was engaged at the level of the provinces in the South, through the new development project in the area that is the participation of local people in the preparation and implementation of plans and development policies, a basis for the achievement of the development goals the prosperity of the population and the promotion of economic and social rights.

The new model of development in the provinces of the South marks a break with the practices that have hindered the development of these provinces

The new model of development in the provinces of the South marks a break with all practices that prevented the process of development of these provinces, said the president of the Council of the region of Dakhla Oued Eddahab, Ynja Kapu.

In a statement to the MAP, M. Khattat noted that this development model, launched by SM the King Mohammed VI last November in Laayoune, has involved in its elaboration the sons of the Sahara, while being clear in its objectives, innovative in its guidelines and comprehensive in terms of targeted sectors.

The visit of the King in the southern provinces shown particular interest given the sovereign to the implementation of this model which will open up promising prospects in all the regions of the Sahara both economically and socially, in the matter of scale projects planned in the areas of infrastructure, health, education, industry agriculture and sea fishing, among other things, he said.

And to add that the massive participation of the populations of the provinces of the South in the last elections has experienced the Morocco reflects the strong adherence of the local population to the dynamics of development in these provinces and on the other hand, is a clear and straightforward message to the enemies of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, reaffirming the commitment of the national unity and the glorious throne Alawite populations.

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes express their joy on the occasion of the Royal visit to the southern provinces

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes expressed Friday their joy on the occasion of the visit of HM King Mohammed VI to the provinces of the South of the Kingdom which demonstrates the high sensitivity which the sovereign surrounds these provinces.

Thus, they reiterated their allegiance to the King, their unwavering commitment to the glorious alaouite throne and their constant mobilisation for the defence of the national causes.

Speaking populations in these provinces, they were proud of this visit that illustrates attachment of the Saharawis to their Moroccan and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom under the leadership of the King, commending the initiatives and actions of the sovereign for the prosperity, development and progress of the peoples of the region.

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes have, in this regard, reiterated their support for the plan of autonomy as the only solution and the best choice to resolve the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara, stating that the Sahrawi people are firmly convinced of this initiative.

And to add that the autonomy of the southern provinces will enable local people and hostages in the camps of Tindouf to live in peace and security.

“The Saharan population is proud of this Royal visit of the provinces of the South and continue its mobilisation for the defence of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the Moroccan identity of the Sahara face of the maneuvers of the enemies of the nation”, said, in this sense, one of the sheikhs of the Sahrawi tribes, Mr. Abdellah Salhi.

The Royal visit to those provinces, which aims to achieve more progress and development for populations, reaffirms a new times the high sensitivity which surrounds the sovereign the inhabitants of these regions, he said.

For his part, the president of the municipal Council and one of the sheikhs of the Sahrawi tribes, Mr. Moulay Hamdi Ould Errachid, has estimated that the Royal visit to the southern provinces is of great importance for people who grab this opportunity to reaffirm their strong commitment to the alaouite throne glorious.

On this occasion, Mr. Ould Errachid held to remind the achievements and projects initiated by HM King in the southern provinces and through which these provinces now enjoy peace, prosperity and infrastructure in all areas.

Mr. Ould Errachid reiterated the commitment of the populations of the provinces of the South to the Moroccan autonomy plan, adding that development and major ongoing projects in these provinces, particularly as regards infrastructure, social development, institutions, and health and education institutions, are the best proof of the commitment of the Kingdom on the path of modernity development, the building of democracy and the respect for the human rights of Tangier to Lagouira.

The historic visit of the King in the provinces of the South: “A milestone for the future of the region and the Kingdom”

The visit takes HM King Mohammed VI in the southern provinces is “a decisive step for the future of the region and the Kingdom”, said MEP Rachida Dati.

As part of an ambitious strategy of planning and economic development of the Kingdom, ‘ HM King gives the southern provinces all means for a new model of carrier development of economic, technological and social advances considerable, for the entire population, all generations “, said Mrs Dati in a release to the MAP.

The former keeper of the seals of the French Republic stated that with an exceptional programme industry, tourism, sustainable development, or even to education and research, with major projects such as the technopole of Foum El Oued or the port of Boujdour, the sovereign ‘ demonstrates once again its ambitious for the Morocco and the Moroccan people vision ” , adding that massive investments have been made in the provinces of Dakhla, Laayoune and Guelmim, ‘ thus entering modernity with a plan for the future guided by the will without fault of his Majesty the King “.

These technological innovations, these industrial advances, these economic and social progress that benefits the Morocco in respect of its traditions, its history and its culture, make the country ‘ an example for an entire continent and beyond, particularly in Europe and the United States “, welcomed the MEP, recalling that US President Barack Obama publicly cited the Morocco for ‘ his exemplary attitude , including calling megaphone of an enlightened and tolerant Islam, in an international context troubled and unstable “.

The MEP also stressed that more than ever, the European Union needs its Moroccan strategic partner to face many common challenges, calling Europe does not give ‘ false pressures or the enemies of Moroccan national unity “.

The provinces of the South of the Morocco live to the rhythm of a “real transformation” under the leadership of his Majesty the King

The provinces of the South of the Morocco live to the rhythm of a “transformation in the field” through a dynamic of reforms all-out launched under the leadership of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, said Michael Rubin, a former official at the U.S. Department of Defense.

“Since the accession to the throne of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, Sahara knows a change on the ground and in the facts”, said Mr. Rubin in an analysis published by the think tank US “American Enterprise Institute”, stating that the standard of living in the southern provinces is the highest in the Kingdom through the flow of investments and the dynamics created by structuring sustainable development projects.

He pointed out, in this context, that the Moroccan Government is focusing more on support to sectors that constitute the base of sustainable development such as business and tourism.

In order to further strengthen development all over the place in this region of the Kingdom, the Morocco decided to give autonomy to the southern provinces under the advanced regionalization project, he said.

Mr. Rubin recalled, in this connection, that the sovereign had announced on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Green March, this plan of the advanced regionalization which “provides an effective and complete autonomy in Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty”.

The former official at the Pentagon said that the plan of autonomy, in the aftermath of his announcement, has benefited from the support of the United States which qualify him “serious, credible and realistic proposal”, and a bi-partisan majority of not less than 229 congressmen, including leaders in both chambers of the legislative institution US.

The last illustration of the American support is clearly reflected in the Finance Act of the United States in the year 2016 which States unequivocally that help US to the Morocco is affected to the whole of the national territory, including the southern provinces, he said.

Mr. Rubin, who is also expert in issues relating to the region led, noted that the Morocco and its southern provinces are “a haven of security and stability” through North Africa and the Sahel, so that neighbouring countries, shaken by the “Arab spring”, suffered a series of terrorist attacks “devastating”.

The former US official noted, moreover, that at the time where the southern provinces are reaping the benefits of a dynamic virtuous reforms, which draws its epitome in the virtues of sustainable development and human dignity, the people kidnapped in the camps at Tindouf in the southwest of the Algeria are subject to a “Marxist autocracy” outdated and the pangs of poverty and desolation in the hands of the polisario.

Mr. Rubin also noted that an increasing number of countries no longer recognise the ghostly “Sadr”, while the Algeria stubbornly do not get clear and continues to financially support this entity despite its links found with terrorist groups claiming the disastrous ideology of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Daesh.

The development model of the provinces of the South, a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization

The new model of development of the southern provinces is a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization, the Minister of the Interior, Mohamed Hassad said.

Developed in accordance with the high Royal guidelines, this new model of development represents a new beginning for the development of the southern provinces and a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization, M. Hassad said in a statement to the press at the end of the Council of Ministers, presided over Saturday in Laayoune by HM King Mohammed VI.

The model is based, in its economic dimension, the enhancement of natural resources and investment of their revenue for the benefit of local populations, particularly in the sectors of maritime fishing, agriculture, tourism, handicrafts, phosphates and renewable energies, the Minister explained.

The private sector will have an essential role in the realization of these projects, at a cost of about 42 billion dirhams (MMDH), either 54 pc from the global envelope allocated to the development of the provinces of the South (77 MMDH) model, he said, adding that the State’s contribution is estimated at 30.7 MMDH and regions at 4.7 MMDH.

Projects in this program will be carried out during the period 2016-2022, said M. Hassad.

And to add that in the context of the participation of the State in the implementation of regionalization, financial resources estimated at 19 MMDH will be divided between the three regions in the South during the 12 years to come to the tune of 7 MMDH for Laayoune-Sakia Al Hamra, 6.6 MMDH Dakhla Oued Eddahab and 5.5 MMDH for Guelmim-WAD Noun.

He proceeded to the adoption of a contractual approach between the region and the State in the context of agreements of partnership for the realization of these projects, noted M. Hassad, which cited among these projects, the project of Hannah and technopole Foum El Oued, five parks of renewable energy (solar and wind), the expressway Tiznit-Laayoune-Dakhla, the Centre hospitalier universitaire in Laayoune , the port “Dakhla-Atlantic”, the promotion of products of the sea and the development of the aquaculture sector, connecting the city of Dakhla in the national electricity grid, as well as the implementation of a project of desalination of sea water for irrigation to an area of 5,000 ha.

The Minister cited also in the framework of projects related to the hassanie culture and the promotion of the sectors of education, vocational training, solidarity economy, the protection of natural resources and the urban redevelopment of cities and centres.

Under the accompaniment of the State and national institutions of these projects and sites, the Interior Minister said that will be made in the consolidation and the consecration of the achievements made by the Kingdom in its democratic choices in the field of the protection of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and in the promotion of the culture of the rights of man in its various dimensions such as universally recognized and enshrined in the application of the high Orientation Royal Constitution.

Liquid sanitation and drinking water in Dakhla, a step towards the improvement of the living conditions of the population and the protection of the local ecosystem

Projects supply drinking water to the city of Dakhla and liquid sanitation constitute an important step towards the improvement of the living conditions of the population and the protection of the local ecosystem.

The inauguration by HM King Mohammed VI of these projects demonstrates the high sensitivity which the sovereign has never ceased to surround the provinces South, in particular through projects urban qualification, liquid sanitation and realization of waste water treatment plants, particularly in urban centres.

The building project to supply drinking water to the city of Dakhla has thus respond to the growing demand for water drinking boosted by rapid urbanization.

It focuses on the realization and of six drilling for water removal, 15 km of pipe laying equipment, the construction of a station of treatment and demineralization with a capacity of 17,000 m3/day, as well as the establishment of distribution (three tanks and two pumping stations) works.

Benefiting more than 106,000 inhabitants and has a global budget of 250 million dirhams (MDH), this project, funded by the national agency of electricity and drinking water (ZEINA), also provides complementary works of demineralization at the level of the existing treatment plant, with a throughput of 9,500 m3/day.

For its part, Dakhla liquid sanitation project is likely to contribute to the preservation of the ecosystem of the city and will not fail to have a positive impact on health, the environment and the economy.

This project, which is in addition to those already made in the context of liquid sanitation national programme, will certainly contribute to the improvement of the quality of the waters of the rivers and swimming.

He accompanied the other development projects and development sites that knows the city and which will contribute to the initiation of a significant dynamic socio-economic level of the region of Dakhla – Oued Eddahab, and this in accordance with the new model of development of the southern provinces.

The launching of these projects is part of the implementation of the vision of sustainable urban development in the various regions of the Kingdom, which has for objective the protection of the ecological environment.

A total amount estimated at 2.2 billion dirhams allocated to drinking water and liquid sanitation projects in the southern provinces during the 2016-2020 period.

According to data of the Regional Directorate for southern ONEE (white water), these projects are planned for the investment of the agency plan in these provinces.

Thus, in the region Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra, a budget 868 MDH has been reserved for the generalization of the drinking water supply for the benefit of communities that are currently being supplied water brackish or served by tank trucks (93 MDH) and the restoration of recovery equipment of energy at the level of the former station of desalination in Laayoune (15 MDH).

These projects, which will help to support the increasing demand for drinking water, are also on the strengthening of the distribution infrastructure in Tarfaya, Smara and Boujdour (59 MDH) and devices production and distribution of drinking water to the village of fishermen “Agti El Ghazi” in the province of Boujdour, as well as equipment for the production of drinking water in the cities of Laayoune Tarfaya and Boujdour (575 MDH).

In the region of Dakhla Oued Eddahab, programmed investments concern the strengthening of infrastructure for drinking water (315 MDH), generalization of drinking water for the benefit of populations supplied brackish water or served by tank trucks (63 MDH), the strengthening of the distribution network to Dakhla (60 MDH) and production devices (200 MDH).

In the same region, the Agency has established a sanitation program liquid spreading over the same period for a total investment of 292 MDH. Basically, it involves setting up a station of treatment of wastewater in Dakhla (250 MDH), a network of liquid sanitation, a pumping station and station swipes at the Bir Guendouz (42 MDH) circle wastewater treatment.

The prosperity of the provinces South of the vision of his Majesty the King and the secular and historical legitimacy (FPRI)

Inclusive development and all-round faced the southern provinces are the result of the insightful vision of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, who has launched a series of economic, social and legal reforms that made possible this dynamic of progress and prosperity, close to the aspirations and needs of citizens, wrote Monday in the prestigious American think tank Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI).

“The prosperity of the provinces of the South of the Kingdom, strong secular and historical legitimacy, was made possible through the pioneering vision of the sovereign (), which has made this part of the attractive Morocco to foreign investors, including in the areas of hospitality, port infrastructure and equipment”, says the author of this analysis, Ahmed Charai, Publisher and member of the Board of Directors of several think tanks US.

It is in the context of this development strategy, which places the citizen at the centre of its concerns, which his Majesty the King has put in place the framework for investment of no less than $ 10 billion for the construction of schools, hospitals, power plants and hydraulic, among others, noted this research institute specializing in international geopolitics and security issues.

The FPRI recalls, in this context, launched by his Majesty the King, last Friday, the project of realization of the integrated industrial complex for the production of fertilizers in the town Al-Marsa (province of Laayoune).

This project is part of the implementation of the new model of development of the southern provinces and aspires to create wealth locally by a valuation on place of phosphate and to strengthen the competitive advantage of the Morocco.

He must participate in the improvement of the competitiveness of the region, including the development of an industrial fabric of SMEs and SMIs, and new occupations related to processing of phosphate fertilizer (engineering, construction, maintenance and management of projects…).

In the same spirit, continues the FPRI, a global socio-economic development plan was also launched in the city of Dakhla for a budget of several hundred million dollars, noting that this “new philosophy of development”, implemented by the sovereign, is intended to modernize the city and create new opportunities for people.

Similarly, investments relating to the consolidation of port infrastructure in Dakhla are nature “to make southern Morocco, a hub of the ports on the Atlantic seaboard of Africa, putting the region on the world map of the unavoidable crossing points to the Mainland”, wrote the FPRI.

“A formidable expertise is thus used to achieve this development with ambition to also connect this port infrastructure with Europe, particularly through the Canary Islands (Las Palmas) and later still with the North American”, it says.

This multitude of projects aim to “improve the conditions of life of the Sahrawi people”, notes the analysis, noting that “people languishing in the camps of Tindouf in inhuman conditions caress the hope of one day returning to the motherland and benefit from the fruits of this dynamic of development in the southern provinces”.

It is for this reason, continues the FPRI, thousands of residents of the camps at Tindouf, South-West of the Algeria, reach out, each year, at the risk of their lives in the camps and join the Morocco where ‘they lead a life in dignity and freedom’.

On the other hand, the author of this contribution points out that this momentum of growth under the leadership of the Royal vision builds ‘in persuasiveness major + soft power + against terrorist posture between the polisario separatists’.

“The polisario, which maintains the chimera of establishing a Republic in the image of the model of the Algerian military junta, is rife in the Tindouf camps in dictatorship that international aid is diverted for his own benefit,” deplores the FPRI, adding that characterized poverty of the Tindouf camps pushed the youth into the arms of the recruiters of terrorist groups that spread fire and blood in the sahelo-Saharan region such as AQIM and Daesh.

The Moroccan response to this phenomenon, welcomes the US think-tank, has been “substantially raise the standard of living in the southern provinces, as evidenced inter alia GDP per capita which is higher than the average of 50 PCs national”.

HM King in the southern provinces: influencers of opinion US salute advanced on regionalization, called Algiers and the polisario to clearly

The visit of his Majesty King Mohammed VI in the southern provinces, which takes place in an atmosphere of popular jubilation and communion of rare intensity, is perceived by the experts and prescribers of us as being on irreversible advanced regionalization development illustration, initiated under the impulse of vision Royal, as a model of development of this part of the Kingdom and efficient vector for the promotion of participatory democracy.

In Washington, there is, indeed, that this new model of territorial governance, born of broad citizen consultation between the different forces vives of the nation, place the Morocco into the fold of the democracies concerned about the well-being of citizens and their legitimate aspirations, and is also the implementation on the ground of the institutional instruments for the promotion of participatory and inclusive local democracy.

The regional elections, which were held in Morocco in September, gave birth to councils elected by direct universal suffrage. The chairpersons of these bodies now have executive powers in as varied as different areas, related to the development of their regions.

In the speech by his Majesty the King to the Nation on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the glorious market green, the sovereign had said: “We reaffirm our commitment to implement the regionalization advanced, starting, in the first place, by our southern provinces, with regard to the possibility it offers to the people to participate in the management of their local affairs and to contribute to the integrated and sustainable human development. In addition, it creates a mobilizer climate brought by a promising social dynamic promoting the emergence of new elites, particularly among women and young people, as part of a democratic alternation open to power”.

This virtuous dynamic, initiated under the leadership of the sovereign, saw the implementation of huge investment in this part of the Kingdom since their recovery through essential efforts, in this sense, enlargement and consolidation of infrastructure, implementation and promotion of social services and poverty alleviation.

At a round table sheltered early in the week by the prestigious American think tank, Brookings Institute, the President of Council economic, social and environmental (EESC), Nizar Baraka, wished to clarify that “the success of this virtuous dynamic was as today ‘ hui several indicators of socio-economic in the southern provinces are superior to the rest of the Kingdom, as evidenced by including GDP per capita exceeds 50 PC to average national”.

As much the past 40 years have focused on investment in the construction and consolidation of basic infrastructure, expanding access to services social and the fight against poverty, “as the next years will give body to the ambitions of the people, conveying the spirit of the advanced regionalization, the autonomy and the creation of jobs and wealth” He stressed.

It is in this spirit that his Majesty the King, from Laayoune last November, had launched several projects through the signing of agreements between the Presidents of the regional councils and the Government. Not less than ten billion dollars were incurred to consolidate drivers of growth that are the areas of fisheries, agriculture, phosphates, and tourism, in addition to the support of private investment, the promotion of employment, entrepreneurship and improving the training of.

Friday, his Majesty King Mohammed VI proceeded to the commune of Foum El Oued, in the launch of the work of the technopole Foum El Oued-Laayoune, a city of knowledge and innovation at the service of the development of the southern provinces. The ruler conducted the same day, Hannah site, urban commune Al-Marsa, at the launch of the integrated industrial complex fertilizer production project.

In this development strategy all azimuths of the southern provinces, electrical connectivity will be also consolidated, the aim being to arrive at the ability to transport and export electricity produced from solar energy to other countries. The ultimate goal is to create a regional hub serving the consolidation of relations of cooperation between the Kingdom and sub-Saharan countries, while being a source of prosperity and stability.

Faced with this reality leaned to the historical rights presumptions of the Kingdom on his Sahara, note the Huffington Post last Thursday, the Algeria and the polisario must go obviously and embrace the virtues of the autonomy plan for Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty, only option capable of ensuring prosperity, stability and security in the region to which calls the international community to all its wishes and which now dictate the priorities of the latter in this part of the world.

Today, says the Huffington in this contribution entitled: “A rare chance for peace in a context of war and migration”, also although the Algeria as the Morocco “are faced with extremist intentions, especially as members of polisario have become a force of extra to terrorist groups and transnational drug traffickers”.

The situation became “untenable” in the camps of Tindouf, where the younger generation begins to grasp the unfortunate reality where she lives with a critical eye and a rebellious attitude, says the US daily, who observes that this youth, without prospects for the future, is more tolerant the impoverishment of the Tindouf camps, and their exploitation by the leaders of the Frente polisario.

US experts in international relations so call the Algeria and the polisario to submit “to the verdict of history and the reality on the ground” to find a solution to the conflict of Western Sahara, who warn they, gives openings for “destabilizing for the entire region” intensified activities of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and Daesh.

It is in this context that the enactment by the United States President, Barack Obama, of the Finance Act in respect of the year 2016, consolidates once again the support of Washington in the Sahara autonomy plan, insofar as this piece of legislation stipulates unequivocally that intended to the Morocco us assistance is allocated to the whole of the national territory including the southern provinces.

Indeed, in his legislative report backed the 2016 Finance Act, Congress, with its two bedrooms, reiterated its strong bipartisan support for American policy in force, for a long time, on a negotiated solution to the question of Western Sahara, on the basis of the plan of autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty. The legislative branch goes far beyond and appealed to the U.S. private sector to invest in the southern provinces. With Act!.

Wind farm projects in Laayoune – Sakia El Hamra: Consolidation of clean energy and major development projects

Due to its enormous wind energy potential, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region is intended to constitute one of the pillars of the energy strategy to which the Kingdom acceded with colossal investments in this area, which should give a new dynamic to the developments all-out of the southern provinces to economic, social and environmental levels.

Thus, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region saw the launch of numerous projects and ambitious development projects, headed the Tarfaya wind energy project, which aims to contribute to the strengthening of projects of clean energy and the building of development at the level of the region.

The implementation of these projects is part of the development of the national energy efficiency strategy which tends to supply energy, with the adoption of an approach based on sustainable development and the increase in the use of renewable energy.

According to data from the company in charge of the project, Nareva Holding, the province of Tarfaya will host the largest park of wind energy in Africa the achievement which has required an investment of 5 billion dirhams (MMDH), for a production of 300 MW through 131 turbines.

The commissioning of the wind of Tarfaya began in March 2014 after connection to the national electricity grid, adds the same source, while the commissioning of the entire Park is planned for the end of the current year.

According to the same data, the energy produced by this station shall be reserved exclusively to the national Office of drinking water and electricity (ONEE) on the basis of a contract of purchase that spans 20 years.

This project represents an important added value for Tarfaya, because it contributes 15 pc in the wind national goal of Morocco (2000 MW by 2020), added the same source.

It will also reduce the CO2 emissions from 900,000 tonnes/year and savings of 200 million dollars per year from imported oil in foreign currency.

Produced in partnership with the french energy industry group “GDF Suez”, this project will also enable the creation of 700 direct jobs during construction and more than 50 direct jobs during the operating phase.

It has another advantage, namely load Moroccan companies of the realization of studies and electrical work and civil engineering, which is a level of industrial integration over 35 pc.

At the level of the municipality of Akhfennir (100 km north of Tarfaya), a wind farm was conducted over an area of 2,000 hectares with a production capacity reaching 100 MW. Operational from 2013, this park contains 61 turbines which each produces a low-voltage electricity (690 volts).

On the other hand, in Foum El Oued (province of Laayoune), a park with a capacity of 50.6 MW is put into service from 2013. There are 22 turbines with a height of 80 m.

The Morocco aims to reach 950 MW wind power production at the level of the Laayoune region-Sakia El Hamra, nearly 50 pc of domestic production.

Thus, it has been made the realization of four wind farms with a capacity of 455,25 MW to Tah (300 MW), Akhfennir (100 MW), Laayoune (50 MW) and (5.25 MW), while three other parks are under construction with a capacity of 350 MW in Laayoune (50 MW), Boujdour (200 MW) and Akhfennir (100 MW).

The advanced regionalization, a voluntarist and irreversible choice

Advanced regionalization to which the Morocco acceded is a voluntarist, sovereign, irreversible, enabling the local population to manage its affairs in accordance with the needs and expectations of each region, said Sabri El Hou, expert in international law, migration and the question of Western Sahara.

In a statement to the MAP, Mr. Lhou stressed that this choice is in harmony with the Moroccan proposal to grant broad autonomy to the southern provinces under Moroccan sovereignty, as serious and credible solution to the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.

The maneuvers of the opponents of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom to thwart peaceful approaches and development initiated by the Morocco are doomed to failure and will not resist since Moroccan initiatives are welcomed by the international community.

Morocco, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, expressed its total rejection of any initiative in addition to the plan for autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty, he said.

The visit takes the ruler in the southern provinces is likely to stimulate a new dynamic to the development projects in these regions, said Mr. El Hou.

Recalling the new development model of the provinces of the South, launched by the sovereign during his recent visit in Laayoune, the researcher pointed out that this model has been developed by integrating all local actors.

The Kingdom thus presents a model to follow at the regional and international level in local governance, which helped the Morocco reinforce its leadership, as the first country in the region having extended the prerogatives of local people in the management of its affairs, he noted.

Morocco, through the new organisation territorial, became the first country in the region who have opted for the transition to an advanced regional system, whereby the population assumes the responsibilities inherent in the management of the public good local and regional, said the expert, adding it as a grandiose project that sits the bases of the Moroccan model strongly welcomed at the international level.

Morocco work for the success of the advanced regionalization, whose effective implementation process was engaged at the level of the provinces in the South, through the new development project in the area that is the participation of local people in the preparation and implementation of plans and development policies, a basis for the achievement of the development goals the prosperity of the population and the promotion of economic and social rights.

The new model of development in the provinces of the South marks a break with the practices that have hindered the development of these provinces

The new model of development in the provinces of the South marks a break with all practices that prevented the process of development of these provinces, said the president of the Council of the region of Dakhla Oued Eddahab, Ynja Kapu.

In a statement to the MAP, M. Khattat noted that this development model, launched by SM the King Mohammed VI last November in Laayoune, has involved in its elaboration the sons of the Sahara, while being clear in its objectives, innovative in its guidelines and comprehensive in terms of targeted sectors.

The visit of the King in the southern provinces shown particular interest given the sovereign to the implementation of this model which will open up promising prospects in all the regions of the Sahara both economically and socially, in the matter of scale projects planned in the areas of infrastructure, health, education, industry agriculture and sea fishing, among other things, he said.

And to add that the massive participation of the populations of the provinces of the South in the last elections has experienced the Morocco reflects the strong adherence of the local population to the dynamics of development in these provinces and on the other hand, is a clear and straightforward message to the enemies of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, reaffirming the commitment of the national unity and the glorious throne Alawite populations.

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes express their joy on the occasion of the Royal visit to the southern provinces

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes expressed Friday their joy on the occasion of the visit of HM King Mohammed VI to the provinces of the South of the Kingdom which demonstrates the high sensitivity which the sovereign surrounds these provinces.

Thus, they reiterated their allegiance to the King, their unwavering commitment to the glorious alaouite throne and their constant mobilisation for the defence of the national causes.

Speaking populations in these provinces, they were proud of this visit that illustrates attachment of the Saharawis to their Moroccan and the territorial integrity of the Kingdom under the leadership of the King, commending the initiatives and actions of the sovereign for the prosperity, development and progress of the peoples of the region.

The sheikhs and notables of the Sahrawi tribes have, in this regard, reiterated their support for the plan of autonomy as the only solution and the best choice to resolve the artificial conflict over the Moroccan Sahara, stating that the Sahrawi people are firmly convinced of this initiative.

And to add that the autonomy of the southern provinces will enable local people and hostages in the camps of Tindouf to live in peace and security.

“The Saharan population is proud of this Royal visit of the provinces of the South and continue its mobilisation for the defence of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the Moroccan identity of the Sahara face of the maneuvers of the enemies of the nation”, said, in this sense, one of the sheikhs of the Sahrawi tribes, Mr. Abdellah Salhi.

The Royal visit to those provinces, which aims to achieve more progress and development for populations, reaffirms a new times the high sensitivity which surrounds the sovereign the inhabitants of these regions, he said.

For his part, the president of the municipal Council and one of the sheikhs of the Sahrawi tribes, Mr. Moulay Hamdi Ould Errachid, has estimated that the Royal visit to the southern provinces is of great importance for people who grab this opportunity to reaffirm their strong commitment to the alaouite throne glorious.

On this occasion, Mr. Ould Errachid held to remind the achievements and projects initiated by HM King in the southern provinces and through which these provinces now enjoy peace, prosperity and infrastructure in all areas.

Mr. Ould Errachid reiterated the commitment of the populations of the provinces of the South to the Moroccan autonomy plan, adding that development and major ongoing projects in these provinces, particularly as regards infrastructure, social development, institutions, and health and education institutions, are the best proof of the commitment of the Kingdom on the path of modernity development, the building of democracy and the respect for the human rights of Tangier to Lagouira.

The historic visit of the King in the provinces of the South: “A milestone for the future of the region and the Kingdom”

The visit takes HM King Mohammed VI in the southern provinces is “a decisive step for the future of the region and the Kingdom”, said MEP Rachida Dati.

As part of an ambitious strategy of planning and economic development of the Kingdom, ‘ HM King gives the southern provinces all means for a new model of carrier development of economic, technological and social advances considerable, for the entire population, all generations “, said Mrs Dati in a release to the MAP.

The former keeper of the seals of the French Republic stated that with an exceptional programme industry, tourism, sustainable development, or even to education and research, with major projects such as the technopole of Foum El Oued or the port of Boujdour, the sovereign ‘ demonstrates once again its ambitious for the Morocco and the Moroccan people vision ” , adding that massive investments have been made in the provinces of Dakhla, Laayoune and Guelmim, ‘ thus entering modernity with a plan for the future guided by the will without fault of his Majesty the King “.

These technological innovations, these industrial advances, these economic and social progress that benefits the Morocco in respect of its traditions, its history and its culture, make the country ‘ an example for an entire continent and beyond, particularly in Europe and the United States “, welcomed the MEP, recalling that US President Barack Obama publicly cited the Morocco for ‘ his exemplary attitude , including calling megaphone of an enlightened and tolerant Islam, in an international context troubled and unstable “.

The MEP also stressed that more than ever, the European Union needs its Moroccan strategic partner to face many common challenges, calling Europe does not give ‘ false pressures or the enemies of Moroccan national unity “.

The provinces of the South of the Morocco live to the rhythm of a “real transformation” under the leadership of his Majesty the King

The provinces of the South of the Morocco live to the rhythm of a “transformation in the field” through a dynamic of reforms all-out launched under the leadership of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, said Michael Rubin, a former official at the U.S. Department of Defense.

“Since the accession to the throne of his Majesty King Mohammed VI, Sahara knows a change on the ground and in the facts”, said Mr. Rubin in an analysis published by the think tank US “American Enterprise Institute”, stating that the standard of living in the southern provinces is the highest in the Kingdom through the flow of investments and the dynamics created by structuring sustainable development projects.

He pointed out, in this context, that the Moroccan Government is focusing more on support to sectors that constitute the base of sustainable development such as business and tourism.

In order to further strengthen development all over the place in this region of the Kingdom, the Morocco decided to give autonomy to the southern provinces under the advanced regionalization project, he said.

Mr. Rubin recalled, in this connection, that the sovereign had announced on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Green March, this plan of the advanced regionalization which “provides an effective and complete autonomy in Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty”.

The former official at the Pentagon said that the plan of autonomy, in the aftermath of his announcement, has benefited from the support of the United States which qualify him “serious, credible and realistic proposal”, and a bi-partisan majority of not less than 229 congressmen, including leaders in both chambers of the legislative institution US.

The last illustration of the American support is clearly reflected in the Finance Act of the United States in the year 2016 which States unequivocally that help US to the Morocco is affected to the whole of the national territory, including the southern provinces, he said.

Mr. Rubin, who is also expert in issues relating to the region led, noted that the Morocco and its southern provinces are “a haven of security and stability” through North Africa and the Sahel, so that neighbouring countries, shaken by the “Arab spring”, suffered a series of terrorist attacks “devastating”.

The former US official noted, moreover, that at the time where the southern provinces are reaping the benefits of a dynamic virtuous reforms, which draws its epitome in the virtues of sustainable development and human dignity, the people kidnapped in the camps at Tindouf in the southwest of the Algeria are subject to a “Marxist autocracy” outdated and the pangs of poverty and desolation in the hands of the polisario.

Mr. Rubin also noted that an increasing number of countries no longer recognise the ghostly “Sadr”, while the Algeria stubbornly do not get clear and continues to financially support this entity despite its links found with terrorist groups claiming the disastrous ideology of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Daesh.

The development model of the provinces of the South, a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization

The new model of development of the southern provinces is a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization, the Minister of the Interior, Mohamed Hassad said.

Developed in accordance with the high Royal guidelines, this new model of development represents a new beginning for the development of the southern provinces and a mechanism for implementation and acceleration of advanced regionalization, M. Hassad said in a statement to the press at the end of the Council of Ministers, presided over Saturday in Laayoune by HM King Mohammed VI.

The model is based, in its economic dimension, the enhancement of natural resources and investment of their revenue for the benefit of local populations, particularly in the sectors of maritime fishing, agriculture, tourism, handicrafts, phosphates and renewable energies, the Minister explained.

The private sector will have an essential role in the realization of these projects, at a cost of about 42 billion dirhams (MMDH), either 54 pc from the global envelope allocated to the development of the provinces of the South (77 MMDH) model, he said, adding that the State’s contribution is estimated at 30.7 MMDH and regions at 4.7 MMDH.

Projects in this program will be carried out during the period 2016-2022, said M. Hassad.

And to add that in the context of the participation of the State in the implementation of regionalization, financial resources estimated at 19 MMDH will be divided between the three regions in the South during the 12 years to come to the tune of 7 MMDH for Laayoune-Sakia Al Hamra, 6.6 MMDH Dakhla Oued Eddahab and 5.5 MMDH for Guelmim-WAD Noun.

He proceeded to the adoption of a contractual approach between the region and the State in the context of agreements of partnership for the realization of these projects, noted M. Hassad, which cited among these projects, the project of Hannah and technopole Foum El Oued, five parks of renewable energy (solar and wind), the expressway Tiznit-Laayoune-Dakhla, the Centre hospitalier universitaire in Laayoune , the port “Dakhla-Atlantic”, the promotion of products of the sea and the development of the aquaculture sector, connecting the city of Dakhla in the national electricity grid, as well as the implementation of a project of desalination of sea water for irrigation to an area of 5,000 ha.

The Minister cited also in the framework of projects related to the hassanie culture and the promotion of the sectors of education, vocational training, solidarity economy, the protection of natural resources and the urban redevelopment of cities and centres.

Under the accompaniment of the State and national institutions of these projects and sites, the Interior Minister said that will be made in the consolidation and the consecration of the achievements made by the Kingdom in its democratic choices in the field of the protection of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and in the promotion of the culture of the rights of man in its various dimensions such as universally recognized and enshrined in the application of the high Orientation Royal Constitution.

Source: The Royal visit to the southern provinces. Maroc.Ma

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