Activities of the CCIS

Communication meeting with professional associations

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the region of Laayoune-Sakia El-Hamra, in partnership with the National Social Security Fund, organized a communication meeting with professional associations in the region of Laayoune-Sakia El-Hamra, including associations of traders located in the city of El-Ayoun.

This meeting was held in the presence of the regional director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra and other officials of the National Social Security Fund.

The regional director of the Chamber began the meeting with a speech of welcome to representatives of the social security administration, stressing the high role played by this fund, raising the level of services it provides to the private sector in the region, especially for the benefit of nationals of the Chamber, employees of the private sector and professionals in the sector of trade, industry and services in general.

The representative of the National Social Security Fund also mentioned the great services provided by this institution during the quarantine period that the country went through during the period of the Corona pandemic. The head of the fund in the region also highlighted the involvement of his institution in the royal initiative of health coverage for the benefit of the liberal professions.

Subsequently, the representative of the Social Security, explained the provisions of the framework law, whose broad outlines were presented to His Majesty the King during the Ministerial Council held on February 11, 2021, and was approved by both houses of Parliament.

This law will generalize the basic compulsory health insurance, and extend its benefit to needy groups benefiting from the medical assistance system, as well as to categories of professionals, self-employed and non-salaried persons exercising a private activity. The beneficiaries of this insurance will be able to cover the costs of treatment, medication and hospitalization. This benefit consists of three stages: the stage of health coverage, which includes the costs of medicines and illness, and the second stage, which includes compensation .

Finally, the regional director of the Chamber affirmed the availability of the Chamber to organize periodic meetings to explain the content of the new law on health coverage for the benefit of all.

Read also: Communication meeting with economic actors and representatives of civil organizations for local contracting.

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