Activities of the CCIS

A day of awareness for traders about social security coverage

The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the region of Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra, in coordination with the administration of the National Social Security Fund and the delegate of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, organized a communication meeting on the first of December 2022, at the headquarters of the Chamber to raise awareness among professionals and traders on the importance of social coverage.

The Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, Mr. Saleh Fakkak, and Mr. Al-Hussein Al-Filali, Regional Director of the Social Security Fund, presented a welcome speech to the traders, stressing the importance of the role of the Chamber in supporting traders.

The objective of the meeting was to raise awareness among traders on the importance of joining the national social security fund and know their rights and duties and this, following the last royal speech.

The beneficiaries of this awareness day expressed their dedication to the organizers of this meeting, and to the efficiency of the trainers and the quality of the themes programmed, which answered a large number of their questions and concerns.

Finally, the President of Amal Al-Hussein Association, Harama, thanked each of the following people:

  • Mr. President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services Sidi Khalil Ould Errachid.
  • Mr. Saleh Fakkak, Regional Director of the Chamber.
  • Mr. Regional Delegate of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Mohamed Bourkan.
  • Mr. Hussein Al-Filali, Regional Director of the National Social Security Fund.
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